一青姐妹来自台湾人父亲与日本人母亲(河合美智子 饰)结合的家庭,童年时代都在台湾度过。妹妹一青窈(藤本泉 饰)出生后一家人移居到东京,然而没有多久父亲就撒手人寰,独留母女三人相依为命。 母亲每天都坚持亲自下厨,烹调女儿最喜爱的台湾菜。母亲的料理加深了家人间的羁绊,也为邻居亲友带来幸福。后来,母亲因病去世,在母亲病逝后20年,姐妹俩在母亲墓前知晓了妈妈的秘密,姐姐(木南晴夏 饰)因为某个念头的驱使,动身前往睽违已久的第二故乡台湾......
No matter how much he devotes to his sport, veteran boxer Urita remains in the blue corner – the domain of the underdog in the ring. Despite on a permanent losing streak, his meticulous analysis of fights benefits Ogawa, a gifted talent and champion hopeful, and Narasaki, a timid rookie, both gaining strength and confidence under his discipline. Punching his 30 years of boxing experience into the screenplay and the choreography of action sequences, director Yoshida Keisuke uppercuts a realistically crafted drama that underscores the passion, sacrifice and camaraderie in the world of combative sports.